
Year 3 Students had fun while exploring the nature.

Year 3 Students had fun while exploring the nature. School gardens are amazing places for kids to learn basic subjects, like science and nature. for this reason our 3rd grades had the opportunities to practice Nature Vocabulary in our School garden. They went to garden and they have been told many short stories about the nature then they have been asked to illustrate the stories they have been told. This is a great way for students to improve their listening and writing slkills. And it is also the number 1 way to strengthen students’critical thinking. 3.Sınıf Öğrencilerimiz ingilizce dersinde öğrendikleri Nature (Doğa) konusunu pekiştirmek adına bahçeye çıktılar doğayla alakalı gözlem yaptılar. Öğretmenleri tarafından doğayla alakalı anlatılan İngilizce hikâyeleri resmettiler. Bu etkinlikle Dil öğretiminde önemli olan dört beceriden Listening (Dinleme) ve Writing (Yazma) becerilerini geliştirmiş oldular.

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